~This blog is intended as an avenue to spread the Gospel and to encourage those who are already Christians. I hope you'll begin by reading my Faith Story located in the July 2011 archives.~

Friday, April 13, 2012

Losing My Religion


I haven't posted much lately, but that doesn't mean I haven't had things on my mind.  In fact, I've had something really big on my mind.  I've been thinking an awful lot about Jesus.  I'm as sick of religion as the next person.  In fact, even non-denominational Christianity is sometimes too religious for me.  It's so easy to go down that "I'm right, you're wrong" road with people.  And have you ever been in a church where you feel the people wouldn't know Jesus if He came and sat down right beside them?  On the other extreme, I hate it when a religion within Christianity is exclusive and has a private message that only a few privileged people can understand.  I'm as guilty as anyone of being judgemental of those who don't think like me. 

     But I challenge anyone to read the gospels and get up close and personal with Jesus.  He's amazing.  If you think you know all you need to know about Him, read about Him again.  You'll find He said and did things you didn't think He said and did.  You'll find Him perfectly loving, perfectly forgiving and full of grace and truth.  His life on earth was completely miraculous in every way.  The Old Testament is about Him.   The New Testament is about Him.  He is the Word.   People can find fault with religion and Christianity all day long.  But Jesus was and is PERFECT.  Even the greatest skeptic can only look at His life and be amazed.  No other prophet or so-called god can hold a candle to Jesus. 

     Religion can be good for our lives but it can't save someone.  Jesus didn't come to start a new religion.  He came to provide a model for how to live and a way to God.  He is it.  He is the way.  Think Jesus didn't want to be around sinners?  Seemed He preferred them to the religious people of His day.  Bet He still does. The worse they were, the more He liked them.  He loved them with great mercy and led them to a new way of life.  He doesn't have to be defended.  He is our friend and savior.  We don't even have to explain Him.  We can be like the blind man who was healed by Jesus in the Bible.  He said, "There is Jesus.  All I know is that He touched me, and where I was once blind, now I see." 

     Why don't we just get to know Jesus?  Really get to know Him by reading about His life and praying to Him often.  And then let's see what happens.  I think you're gonna love Him too.  He might even change your life.



1 comment:

  1. Good word Beth! I do believe I need to get to know Him more & more. Because my way of thinking really is keeping me in circles. i am so tired of trying to figure myself out, of blaming myself, of beating myself up. I am flat worn out! I do need Jesus, all of Him. I need to get to know Him all over again.
    Thanks for sharing. I think i needed a spiritual kick in the rear! So, Thanks I needed that!
    Love you,
    In Christ Alone,,,,,,,,,Cindy
