~This blog is intended as an avenue to spread the Gospel and to encourage those who are already Christians. I hope you'll begin by reading my Faith Story located in the July 2011 archives.~

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Ridiculous Grace

So few Christians really understand grace.  We tend to have an impoverished view of grace.  How do we earn His grace?  How much grace can we accumulate?  Grace is the Heart of Christianity and the theme of the Bible.  When we begin to grasp even a bit of what grace is...it will transform us.

This article by Dr. Steve McVey is ridiculously good.  Let it's truth sink in for a minute.  Think of the Prodigal son who was filthy with sin.  His father didn't even notice or care as he embraced him and prepared a feast in his honor.  That's how our Father sees us when we are ready to accept His grace.  He doesn't see our nastiness.  He just sees that we want to come to Him and He pulls out all the stops to receive us.


Ridiculous Grace 

by Steve McVey

The grace of God stands in a category all by itself. There’s nothing to compare with it because there’s nothing else like it in time or eternity. Grace is expression of the complete goodness of Pure Love toward those who have done nothing and never can do anything to deserve it or reciprocate for it. Either grace is a unilateral act or it’s not grace. The minute we think we owe anything for it, we have insulted both the gift and the giver. Those who spend their lives “trying to pay Him back for all He has done for me” will spend a lifetime unwittingly insulting the One they most want to please.

Religion is the greatest enemy of grace because it exists in a culture where the currency of survival is performance. Religion nurtures a detestable fetish in its carnal craving to “pay the price, breakthrough, storm the gates” and other such nonsense that excites the flesh in ways that arouse demonic lust that climaxes in the smug afterglow of a satisfied Pharisee.

Grace throws parties for returning prodigals without saying a word about their sins. Grace pays everybody the same regardless of what time of day they began to work. Grace restores dignity to whores that everybody else wants to stone. Grace hugs the diseased leper (or AIDS patient) that nobody else wants to touch. Grace looks past a person’s behavior and sees the person for who they are in the eyes of God.

Grace is irrational to the thinker. It is unfair to the judge. Grace is foolishness to the achiever. It is a waste to the selfish. Grace is a mistake to the disciplinarian. It is shame to the religionist.

But it is a stream of water to the thirsty. It’s freedom to the imprisoned. It is life to the dead. Grace is rest to the tired. It is another chance to the failed. It is hope to the despondent. It is a way out for the lost and a way in for those who can see the Door.

Grace. It’s not a theological premise. It’s not a doctrine. It’s not a philosophy. It’s not something to be balanced with anything else. It’s not even the most important thing. It’s The One Thing – The Only Thing. It’s a Person – a Person who has held you in His heart before the first molecule existed and One who will never let you go.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Still Amazing!



 In case anyone is still reading, I haven't lost my faith and I haven't given up blogging.  I'm just in a new phase of life, I guess.  I'm taking graduate classes to hopefully be the new high school librarian when our precious librarian retires. My current job is also at it's busiest at the beginning of the school year.  Add to that sending my oldest off to college for the first time and I guess you could say I'm mentally overloaded.  I'm not real good at stress, to be honest.  But I am so thankful that I've been able to give God my challenges and I'm so thrilled to know that He has it covered.  His grace is still amazing!

     I read the sweetest passage in a free kindle book called, "Look!  The Finished Work of Jesus" by Mick Mooney.  He said, "we can sometimes fool ourselves into believing Jesus expects so much from us, when He only asks us to do one thing-believe.  If you do the one thing right, Christ in you will do everything else right on your behalf.  You will be filled with the fruit of the Spirit, He will accomplish good works in you, and you will be able to give all the credit to Jesus."  That's is really, really good news.

     I don't ever get tired of hearing about grace.  My faith is founded in the cross and I don't have to spend my life finishing what He's already done.  He doesn't love me more when I do more good stuff for Him.  I don't owe Him anything because my debt is paid in full.  My good works are simply a response to the reality of my salvation.  That's grace.

     I have spent so much of my life trying to follow a written code and making my own way.  But guess what?  HE IS THE WAY!  I can't go wrong!  Hope that sounds like really good news to you too.

"Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand.  And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God."  Romans 5: 1-2