~This blog is intended as an avenue to spread the Gospel and to encourage those who are already Christians. I hope you'll begin by reading my Faith Story located in the July 2011 archives.~

Monday, November 7, 2011

Daily Grace-Injection

     It's so weird.  I totally understand grace.  I really "get it".  In fact, I could even say it came to me in a God-given epiphany!  So why do I go back to the old ways and the old feelings as often as I change my socks?  Why is the fallacy of "earning" God's love and "earning" salvation embedded so deep within us?

     Do you struggle with any of this junk?  This came from the writing of C.J. Mahaney (who has recently gone through some yucky stuff, I might add). 

  1. You are more aware of and effected by your past sins than the finished work of Christ.
  2. You are more aware of areas you need to grow in than the finished work of Christ. In other words, you figure that if you can just spin enough "discs" (Bible reading, prayer life, meditation, family worship, serving others, church ministry) on your fingers then you’re more accepted with God.
  3. You live thinking, believing, and feeling that God is disappointed with you.
  4. You assume His acceptance is dependant upon your obedience.
  5. You experience regular condemnation.
  6. Your sin in the morning ruins/condemns everything you might seek to do for the Lord that day.
  7. You have an undue concern of what others think about you. For example, someone confesses sin in a small group, and though you struggle with the very same sin, you remain quiet.
  8. You lack joy. You think that joy in the Christian life is based on your worthiness rather than the finished work of Christ. 
     But I come back to "grace" every time and am just as astounded the thousandth time around as I was the first.  That's why it's so amazing.  That's why we call the gospel "the greatest story ever told".  It's seems impossible that it could be true.  We can't live the Christian life.  Period.  But Christ lived it perfectly and wants to live it for us. 

"He who knew no sin became sin for us so that we might become the righteousness of God."  2 Corinthians 5:21.  I hope that gets me through the day.  I'll have to pinch myself again tomorrow to remind myself that I really am that blessed and His grace really does cover me.


  1. Thanks, Beth. I really enjoy reading your blog. I am just beginning to understand God's Grace. I realize that even my repentance is worthless if I am not inclined by Grace and convicted by Grace. Keep up the good work!

  2. I appreciate the comment and encouragement, Mike. I know people are reading, but I'm not sure who they are. We can never really understand God's grace, can we? But it's amazing nonetheless.

  3. I'm reading and enjoying every word of them, Beth. It makes me a proud mom to read when I read both yours and Suzanne's blogs. I am thankful for me girls!
