~This blog is intended as an avenue to spread the Gospel and to encourage those who are already Christians. I hope you'll begin by reading my Faith Story located in the July 2011 archives.~

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Still Amazing!



 In case anyone is still reading, I haven't lost my faith and I haven't given up blogging.  I'm just in a new phase of life, I guess.  I'm taking graduate classes to hopefully be the new high school librarian when our precious librarian retires. My current job is also at it's busiest at the beginning of the school year.  Add to that sending my oldest off to college for the first time and I guess you could say I'm mentally overloaded.  I'm not real good at stress, to be honest.  But I am so thankful that I've been able to give God my challenges and I'm so thrilled to know that He has it covered.  His grace is still amazing!

     I read the sweetest passage in a free kindle book called, "Look!  The Finished Work of Jesus" by Mick Mooney.  He said, "we can sometimes fool ourselves into believing Jesus expects so much from us, when He only asks us to do one thing-believe.  If you do the one thing right, Christ in you will do everything else right on your behalf.  You will be filled with the fruit of the Spirit, He will accomplish good works in you, and you will be able to give all the credit to Jesus."  That's is really, really good news.

     I don't ever get tired of hearing about grace.  My faith is founded in the cross and I don't have to spend my life finishing what He's already done.  He doesn't love me more when I do more good stuff for Him.  I don't owe Him anything because my debt is paid in full.  My good works are simply a response to the reality of my salvation.  That's grace.

     I have spent so much of my life trying to follow a written code and making my own way.  But guess what?  HE IS THE WAY!  I can't go wrong!  Hope that sounds like really good news to you too.

"Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand.  And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God."  Romans 5: 1-2



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