Today's blog is a guest post that features the words of my friend, Kelly. I receive weekly emails from her and they are always thought-provoking and wise. This one was particularly exceptional. I've always considered her a spiritual mentor. Thanks for allowing me to snag this, Kelly!
What’s your favorite sin? What’s the one thing you have the hardest time resisting? Everybody has at least one, usually several, areas of weakness, that we continually give in to. For instance, maybe you are kind, loving to the less fortunate, generous with your money, but a glutton or sexually immoral or lazy. Or you’re self-controlled, meticulous about never stealing or cheating on anything, even your employer’s time, and you keep your word, but you want to be rich and comfortable, and you covet that lifestyle and sacrifice relationships if necessary to get it.
What’s your favorite sin? What’s the one thing you have the hardest time resisting? Everybody has at least one, usually several, areas of weakness, that we continually give in to. For instance, maybe you are kind, loving to the less fortunate, generous with your money, but a glutton or sexually immoral or lazy. Or you’re self-controlled, meticulous about never stealing or cheating on anything, even your employer’s time, and you keep your word, but you want to be rich and comfortable, and you covet that lifestyle and sacrifice relationships if necessary to get it.
The sin itself is so delicious or so dear to us that we don’t want to deny ourselves the indulgence. There’s a possibility we might go to hell because of the sin, but apparently we’re willing to take that risk when we continue to keep that “pet” sin.
What’s the problem here? Why aren’t we motivated to give up the sin? I think it’s because we’re afraid of missing out. If we don’t go ahead and indulge here on earth, we’ll miss our chance. In other words, we don’t believe God’s reward, his heaven for us, will be adequate to make up for what we’ve missed.
Psalm 84:10 says:
Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere;
I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked.
Let’s have faith that whatever we sacrifice for God will be amply rewarded by the God who can do “above all that we ask or imagine.” (Eph. 3:20)
Kelly is a spiritual mentor for many of us! Thanks for sharing this.
ReplyDeleteWish it wasn't so hard to post a comment. I'd love to get more input and hear what readers are thinking. I'm thankful that I've been able to go to Kelly over the years and ask her the most ridiculous questions knowing she'd help me make sense of them. :)