May was an exceptionally busy month for me and I apologize for my lack of posts. Even now, I have so many thoughts I want to share, I don't really know where to begin without sounding random. Last week, God spoke ALOUD to me. No joke. I'm still astounded and I'm still unsure of what He wants me to do with that. I know there is a purpose.
Right now, I'm anxious to tell you about a relationship He wants with you. On facebook and tv, I see a faulty picture of God. He blesses us because we are good. If we live right, we deserve favor. We want Him to be close enough to us to help us and keep us out of hell, but we don't want to give up our control and independence. He's like a genie who grants wishes and when it doesn't work out like that and bad stuff happens...we dismiss Him and set Him aside. He's probably not real anyway, we think. Guess what...God is not a vending machine!
Can I encourage you to open the door to Him? Have you heard Him knock and do you consider yourself a Christian but have never really invited Him completely through the door? If you have felt a pull towards God but have pushed it aside, I'd like to suggest that you pray and read about Him in the Bible. That is called "worship" and He desires it. He promises to show Himself to us. Let your heart be softened. The more we respond to Him, the more we will hear from Him. I'm not talking about just answered prayer. I'm talking about a relationship.
Imagine this...God becomes so central to your life that you can't wait to get to your Bible to learn more about what He's like. You can't wait to talk to Him because you love His presence more than life. The things of this earth look more and more dim as you anticipate being in His light one day. If you give it all up to Him, it can be painful and even bloody. He's even told us...the world will hate us because it hated Him first. But He wants all of us and nothing less. We must decide which we love more. Him or our sin.
" Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me." Revelation 2:20
Hope I wasn't too random and weird with this post and I hope it makes sense to you. If you want to dismiss all I've said and just take the Bible verse, that will be enough. It's a good one.